KPIT Cummins CFC
- PROJECT: KPIT Cummins - Customer Focus Center
- CLIENT: KPIT Cummins India Ltd.
- AREA: 30,000 SFT / 2787 SQM
- TIMELINE: 2006 - 2011
- STATUS: Completed
Transparency across the office environment was the prime motive of the design, so as to allow maximum penetration of natural light. A beautiful atrium is developed in the center to allow maximum daylight. Glazed panels was put to achieve this across the different spaces. The prime interior design goal was to facilitate the creation of an internal environment that enhances work performance and correspondingly the growth of the company.
Emphasis was made on the usage of materials and colours that complement each other, to enable the creation of a holistic sense of design continuity throughout individual functional areas. The work areas are clearly defined around the primary and secondary movement corridors. All office and common areas have unobstructed and clearly defined exit routes.
The Emerson Cup ‘Gold’ - Award for KPIT Cummins Infosystems, Pune